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Woven fabric sanforizing range
The woven fabric PRIALTEX sanforizing range, can have several different configurations.
The light fabric basic option includes:
• Entry with bar-brake.
• Feeding roller and J-box accumulator.
• Pneumatic bar-brake, distension frame and fabric centring device.• Feeding roller + D680 Steaming roller group.
•Stenter unit L=2000mm with feeding roller at the exit.
•Rubber belt unit.
•D2000x800 felt calender.
•Two Cooling rollers + feeding roller group.
•Exit “J”-box with pneumatic dancing roller.
•Customizable Exit.
The heavy fabric and denim basic option includes:
• Entry with bar-brake.
• Double feeding roller and J-box accumulator.
• Pneumatic bar-brake, distension frame and fabric centring device.• Feeding roller + D680 Steaming roller group.
• Stenter unit L=2000mm with feeding roller at the exit.
• Rubber belt unit.
• D2500x1200 felt calender.
• Three cooling rollers + feeding roller group.
•Exit “J”-box with pneumatic dancing roller.
•Customizable Exit.
The rubber belt compacting unitis is the machine heart. It comes in a strong carbon steel frame. The 610mm diameter main cylinder is made with a turned, rectified, chromed and polished thick pipe; this cylinder is steam heated up to a pressure of 6bar (test pressure 9bar) and is PED certified. Three rectified, chromed and polished idle rollers support the rubber belt and allow its tension and compression. Two pneumatically moved squeezing rollers remove the water excess from the belt surface. The sleeve compression and the tensioning are carried out by means of motor-jacks. The group is also equipped with drip burners, spray pipes for rubber belt cooling, slides and stainless steel tank for water collect; the sleeve grinding is carried out by means of a dynamically balanced roller.
The steaming roller is steam heated (PED certified). The humidification steam is reduced and is subsequently pushed outside through a special net until it reaches the fabric in an absolutely uniform way.
The stener unit is composed by one 2m long section (other lengths are available too). It is arranged to run with rameuse type clips chain (120mm of pitch) with carbon wear strips to avoid chain rails lubrication; otherwise small bronze clips (50mm of pitch) are also available. The machine is placed over rails and can be moved to free space for rubber belt maintenance operations. The chain correct draught and extensions recovering are obtained by cup springs. All field movements are motorized and limited by switches. A feeding roller group is applied at the exit of the machine in order to have the best control on fabric tension at the moment of the entry into the rubber belt group.
The felt calender is equipped with a steam heated cylinder (PED certified); the felt is supported by chromed rollers and is pneumatically tensioned and centered. The fabric is introduced into the calender by a motorized spreader roller and a curved bar. Two load cells grant the synchronism of the calender motor with the previous and the following ones.
All motors are three-phase inverter controlled.